7901 Oakland Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66112 admin@wyandotteumc.com 913-788-5503

The sun is gonna shine again!


I’ve been dwelling in a dark place recently.  Nothing too serious, just a number of frustrations piling up, but as they build higher, the weight of it all can feel a little overwhelming.  But there are a lot of people worse off than I am.

I have a home and a loving family.

I have a job that brings me joy.

I don’t have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.

And it looks like I’ve about got the website up and running.  A special thanks to my friend Amy who helped me figure out which end is up in WordPress!

There truly is so much to be thankful for.  As we head into the season of Thanksgiving, I encourage you to set aside a little time each day to consider all that you have for which you can be thankful…and then remember to give thanks to the One who has made it all possible.

In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful,
in the Lord I will rejoice!
Look to God, do not be afraid;
lift up your voices: the Lord is near,
lift up your voices: the Lord is near.


Pastor Kim

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